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Service Contracts

You've just gotten your new site online. Don't let it be outdated by next month. Wilmoth Web Design offers a varity of Service Package Contracts to meet your demands.

Select a higher level plan and not only keep your site up-to-date at discounted rates, but throw in FREE Web Hosting for it too!

Check out the various Service options available below:

NameCostCreditWeb Host New PageNew ImagePage Update Image UpdateArtwork
On Demand$0$0$10$135$15-$30$15-$30$15$55+

Name: The name of the Service Package Contract.
Cost: Monthly cost of Service Package.
Credit: Get up to this much in free site updates within a given month. You save even more! Premium gives you the best value, with up to 162% return on your monthly fee, not even counting Web Hosting!
Web Host: Monthly cost of Web Hosting when you get this Service Package. See further notes below.
New Page: Cost of adding a standard new page to your site.
New Image: Cost of adding a new image to your site (from minor image to regular image).
Page Update: Cost of updating a page on your site (from minor update to regular update).
Image Update: Cost of updating an image on your site.
Artwork: Cost of new custom graphics artwork (logo, character, mascot, etc.).

Special Offers

DISCOUNTS: Prepay your Service Package at a discount and lock-in your rate!

  • 6 Months: 2% Off.
  • 1 Year: 5% Off.
  • 2 Years: 7% Off!

Further Details

Plus Service comes with Plus Web Hosting. Premium Service comes with Premium Web Hosting. All other listed rates are for Basic Hosting. Upgrades available.

All web hosting provided in one year increments, though service plan type can be changed within that period, as well as able to adjust your hosting type.

Unused Monthly Credits do not carry over.

New Pages include all the standard images, links, etc. as per the Design Information.


Get Premium Service prepaid for one year and you pay $912, get FREE Premium Web Hosting for the entire year (a $228 value alone), and up to $1560 worth of services for the year! You could add a whole new web page every single month for a fraction of the cost, have the free top-of-the-line hosting, and still have some credit left over each month.

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