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Details: About Making Your Site

Getting Started

Getting your site started is easy. First off, even if you don't have an exact idea of what you want, go to our Order Page and put in a request for your preliminary quote. Even if you don't have more than just a vague idea of what you want.

Then you'll be contacted, and more details will be worked out on just what you're looking for, with suggestions made as needed. For example, a common site might have the following types of pages:

Home Page -
The first thing visitors see. Catch their eye and let them know who you are.
Various Products Pages -
What do you have to offer to your customers? Can be anywhere from a single page with a couple of items, to an entire virtual online catalog covering a large inventory or services.
Order Page -
For customers to place an order or a request for a quote.
Support Page -
Do you offer your customers any kind of after-sale support? Questions, service, technical information, documantation, downloads, etc.
Contact Page -
Of course need a way for visitors to reach you. Possibly including some or all of the following means: Postal address, directions, map, phone number, fax number, e-mail, and direct feedback form.
About Us Page -
You'll want your customers to know who you are. Give them some background, and let them become familiar with you. When they better understand who you are, they can feel more at ease at doing business with you, rather than just some faceless entity.

Providing Information

Now you've got the ball rolling, what are you going to be expected to provide once the basic design has been decided on? Easy enough.

You can type up the various content of your new pages in a text editor, and save it in any of MS Word (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf), or Plain Text (.txt). If you do not have MS Word, WordPad works just as well, or NotePad too. Same for Mac or Unix users, any editor that can save in the standard Rich Text Format or Plain Text will work.

An important item to note, be sure to include all images in separate files (GIF, JPEG, or PNG formats are the norm; BMP images must be WinZip'ed to make the size more managable before sending). Do not only include them embedded in the document (like MS Word allows). You do not even need to include them in the text document at all. Simply place "[Image 1 Here]" or such where an image is desired, with of course the name of the image file to match.

After you have requested a site and been assigned a user ID and password, you may also be provided with an online tool to help enter, edit, and layout your pages on demand. Otherwise you will simply just e-mail the files as directed.

That's really about all there is to it. Wilmoth Web Design will help guide you through the whole process, and let you know what is needed at each step of the process. All you have to do is get the process started, and Place Your Order or simply just Contact Us and let us know! We're here to help you.

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